Friday, October 10, 2008

नवदुर्गास्तोत्र (Nava Durga Strotam)


Now begins the thought of Nine forms of Durga.

SHAILPUTRI (The Daughter of Mountain)

वन्दे वाञ्छितलाभाय चन्द्रार्धकृतशेखरां ।
वृषारूढां शूलधरां शैलपुत्री यशस्विनीं ॥

Now begins the thought of Sailaputri

For the achievement of desired, I adore Sailaputri, Who made the crescent-moon as a head-crown, Who is seated on an ox, Who holds a trident, and Who is glorious. [1]




दधाना करपद्माभ्यामक्षमाला कमण्डलू ।
देवी प्रसीदतु मयि ब्रह्मचारिण्यनुत्तमा

Now begins the thought of Brahmacarini

May Goddess Brahmacarin. who holds an aks.amla (rosary garland) and kaman.d. alu in Her lotus-hand, and Who is unsurpassed be gracious on me. [2]



पिण्डजप्रवरारूढा चन्दकोपास्त्रकैर्युता ।
प्रसादं तनुते मह्मं चन्द्रघण्देति विश्रुता ॥

Now begins the thought of Chan.draghanta

May Chan.draghanta Who is seated on the best among birds [Garud. a], Who is furious with anger and might, and Who is famous extends immense grace [on me]. [3]


KUSHMANDA (Cosmic Egg Layer)

सुरासम्पूर्णकलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव च ।
दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कूष्माण्डा शुभदास्तु मे ॥

Now begins the thought of

May|Whose hands are holding two pots filled with sura (elixir) and blood bestows auspicion on me. [5]



SKANDAMATA (The Mother of Skanda)

सिंहासनगता नित्यं पद्माश्रितकरद्वया ।
शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्दमाता यशस्विनी ॥

Now begins the thought of Skandamata

May Goddess Skandamata | Who is always seated on the throne (sim. hasana), Whose two-hands are honored by lotuses, and Who is glorious always bestows auspicion [on me]. [4]


KATYAYANI DEVI (The Daughter of Katyayana)

चन्द्रहासोज्जवलकरा शार्दूलवरवाहना ।
कात्यायनी शुभं दद्यादेवी दानवघातिनी ॥

Now begins the thought of Katyayani

Goddess Katyayani Whose hands are white like moon-dazzle, Who is seated on a mighty-tiger, Who kills the demons | should bestow auspicion on me. [6]

KALRATRI (Deadly Night)

एकवेणी जपाकर्णपूर नग्ना खरास्थिता ।
लम्बोष्ठी कर्णिकाकर्णी तैलाभ्यक्तशरीरिणी ॥
वामपादोल्लसल्लोहलताकण्टकभूषणा ।
वर्धनमुर्धध्वजा कृष्णा कालरात्रिर्भयङ्करी

Now begins the thought of Kalaratri

Goddess Kalaratri Who is Fierce in appearance, Whose form and body resembles a black-lotus, and Whose laugh is terrific should bestow auspicion on me. [7]


MAHAGAURI (The White Force)

श्र्वेते वृषे समारूढा श्र्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः ।
महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्महादेवप्रमोददा ॥

Now begins the thought of Mahagauri

Mahaagauri Who is seated on a white-elephant, Who is wearing white-apparel, Who is pure, and Who delights Lord Mahadeva should bestow auspicion [on me]. [8]



सिद्धगन्धर्वयक्षाद्यैरसुरैरमरैरपि ।
सेव्यमाना सदा भूयात् सिद्धीदा सिद्धीदायिनी

Now begins the thought of Siddhidatri

May Siddhidatri | Who is served by the siddha, celestial-bards, apparitions, demons and demi-gods, and Who always gives siddhi (supreme felicity) always bestow siddhi. [9]

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