शिवनामावल्यष्टकम् - Garland of Names of Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva Nama Malyashtakam
हे चन्द्रचूड मदनान्तक शूलपाणे स्थाणो गिरीश गिरिजेश महेश शंभो ।
भूतेश भीतभयसूदन मामनाथं संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ १॥
भूतेश भीतभयसूदन मामनाथं संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ १॥
Please save me from the deep sorrow of life, Oh Lord of the universe, Who wears the moon, who killed god of love, who holds the trident, Who is stable, who is the lord of mountain, who is the consort of Girija, Who is the greatest god, who is Shambhu, Who is lord of bhoothas, Who is exterminator of fear and phobia and is my lord.
हे पार्वतीहृदयवल्लभ चन्द्रमौले भूताधिप प्रमथनाथ गिरीशचाप ।
हे वामदेव भव रुद्र पिनाकपाणे संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ २॥
हे वामदेव भव रुद्र पिनाकपाणे संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ २॥
Please save me from the deep sorrow of life, Oh Lord of the universe, Who is lord of the heart of Parvathi, Who wears the crescent, Who is the chief of bhoothas, who is lord of Pramadhas, Who holds the mountain as his bow, who is the giver of suitable rewards, Who is the lord who is angry and who holds the bow called Pinaka.
हे नीलकण्ठ वृषभध्वज पञ्चवक्त्र लोकेश शेषवलय प्रमथेश शर्व ।
हे धूर्जटे पशुपते गिरिजापते मां संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ ३॥
हे धूर्जटे पशुपते गिरिजापते मां संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ ३॥
Please save me from the deep sorrow of life, Oh Lord of the universe, Who has a blue neck, who has bull in his flag, who has five throats, Who is the lord of the word, who is encircled by a snake, Who is the chief of Pramadhas, who is Shiva, Who has unkempt hair, who is the lord of all beings and Lord of Girija.
हे विश्वनाथ शिव शंकर देवदेव गङ्गाधर प्रमथनायक नन्दिकेश ।
बाणेश्वरान्धकरिपो हर लोकनाथ संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ ४ ॥
बाणेश्वरान्धकरिपो हर लोकनाथ संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ ४ ॥
Please save me from the deep sorrow of life, Oh Lord of the universe, Who is lord of universe, who is peaceful, who is Shankara, Who is god of gods, who carries Ganga, who is the chief of pramadhas, Who is lord of Nandi, who is the enemy of Baneswara and Andhakasura, Who is the destroyer and who is lord of the world.
वाराणसीपुरपते मणिकर्णिकेश वीरेश दक्षमखकाल विभो गणेश ।
सर्वज्ञ सर्वहृदयैकनिवास नाथ संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ ५॥
सर्वज्ञ सर्वहृदयैकनिवास नाथ संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ ५॥
Please save me from the deep sorrow of life, Oh Lord of the universe, Who is the lord of the city of Varanasi, who is the lord of Manikarnika, Who is the lord of warriors, who destroyed the yaga of Daksha, Who is the mighty, who is the chief of Bhootha ganas, Who is all knowing and the Lord who lives in everybody’s mind.
श्रीमन्महेश्वर कृपामय हे दयालो हे व्योमकेश शितिकण्ठ गणाधिनाथ ।
भस्माङ्गराग नृकपालकलापमाल संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ ६॥
भस्माङ्गराग नृकपालकलापमाल संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ ६॥
Please save me from the deep sorrow of life, Oh Lord of the universe, Who is the greatest lord, who is full of mercy, who is kind, Who has sky as hair, who has blue neck, who is chief of ganas, Who is coated all over by ash and who wears a garland of skulls.
कैलासशैलविनिवास वृषाकपे हे मृत्युंजय त्रीनयन त्रिजगन्निवास ।
नारायणप्रिय मदापह शक्तिनाथ संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ ७॥
नारायणप्रिय मदापह शक्तिनाथ संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ ७॥
Please save me from the deep sorrow of life, Oh Lord of the universe, Who lives on mount Kailasa, who rides on the bull, Who has won over death, who has three eyes, Who lives in all the three worlds, who is the friend of Narayana, Who destroys pride and who is the consort of Shakthi.
विश्वेश विश्वभवनाशक विश्वरूप विश्वात्मक त्रिभुवनैकगुणाधिकेश ।
हे विश्वनाथ करुणामय दीनबन्धो संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ ८॥
हे विश्वनाथ करुणामय दीनबन्धो संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥ ८॥
Please save me from the deep sorrow of life, Oh Lord of the universe, Who is king of universe, who lives in the entire world, Who cannot be defeated, who is the form of universe, Who is the soul of universe, who spreads in all three worlds, Who is the friend of the universe, who is full of mercy and friend of the oppressed.
गौरीविलासभवनाय महेश्वराय पञ्चाननाय शरणागतकल्पकाय ।
शर्वाय सर्वजगतामधिपाय तस्मै दारिद्र्यदुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ९॥
शर्वाय सर्वजगतामधिपाय तस्मै दारिद्र्यदुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ९॥
Salutes for Shiv, Who is the happiness and exuberance of Gauri (Parvati), Who is Maheshvar, Who has five-heads (in one special form among many), Who is like a Kalp-tree for refugee, Who is Sharva, Who is the Lord of this Universe, and Who is destroyer of unhappiness and poverty.
इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यस्य श्रीगोविन्दभगवत्पूज्यपादशिष्यस्य श्रीमच्छंकरभगवतः कृतौ शिवनामावल्यष्टकं संपूर्णम् ॥